14 Day Average Case Count | Trend | |
Wisconsin | 769 | 🡇 |
Dane County | 85.8 | 🡇 |
BE/MZ Census Tract | 1 | 🡇 |
This is the average number of new cases per day.
14 Day Average % Positive | Trend | |
Wisconsin | 4.0% | 🡇 |
Dane County | 1.3% | 🡇 |
BE/MZ Census Tract | 14.5% | 🡇 |
We want to see this number below 5%. Anything over is an indication that not enough testing is being done and we are likely missing cases that have mild symptoms or are asymptomatic.
7 Day Average per 100,000 | Trend | |
Wisconsin | 11.4 | 🡇 |
Dane County | 14.6 | 🡇 |
BE/MZ Census Tract | 12.7 | ╸ |
Per the Harvard Global Health Institute we want this number to be less than 1 case per 100,000 people to be on track for containment. 1-9 cases per 100,000 people is indicative of community spread. 10-24 cases per 100,000 people shows an accelerated spread. 25+ cases per 100,000 people is the tipping point, cases are critically high and everyone should be staying home as much as possible.
Updated 2/18/2021 - We have been seeing a pretty steady decline in WI but even more so in Dane county. Numbers are still high but really starting to get to more manageable levels. With the vaccine rolling out I am hoping this trend will continue.